Birds can be used in divination. There are two ways in which this can be done; by the type of bird that appears as you focus on your question, or by looking at bird flight.
This works best if you are lucky enough to be in an environment where you get a wide variety of bird wildlife. There isn’t much point if all you know you are going to see is pigeons!
To perform this divination, say a prayer to the spirit of the bird and ask them to bring you the answers you need. Focus on your question, and then either sit in your garden, go for a walk, or go and sit in your local park and wait for your message to arrive. You might even want to take some bird seed, in part to act as an offering and in part to attract more birds to the area.
If you are basing your divination on the type of bird you will see, you can use the information in the 'bird symbolism' page here to help decipher their meaning. Below is a ‘snapshot’ of some of the more likely birds you will see (in the UK at least) to give you an idea as to how to interpret their meanings. Some birds have their own divinatory meanings away from their guide associations, and these are:
Crow: Change is coming
Gull: Travel is on the horizon
Magpie: Good news (specific divinatory meaning)
Pigeon: Reconciliation, love, relationships
Robin: Compassion:
Sparrow: Be self-assertive; speak up
This works best if you are lucky enough to be in an environment where you get a wide variety of bird wildlife. There isn’t much point if all you know you are going to see is pigeons!
To perform this divination, say a prayer to the spirit of the bird and ask them to bring you the answers you need. Focus on your question, and then either sit in your garden, go for a walk, or go and sit in your local park and wait for your message to arrive. You might even want to take some bird seed, in part to act as an offering and in part to attract more birds to the area.
If you are basing your divination on the type of bird you will see, you can use the information in the 'bird symbolism' page here to help decipher their meaning. Below is a ‘snapshot’ of some of the more likely birds you will see (in the UK at least) to give you an idea as to how to interpret their meanings. Some birds have their own divinatory meanings away from their guide associations, and these are:
Crow: Change is coming
Gull: Travel is on the horizon
Magpie: Good news (specific divinatory meaning)
Pigeon: Reconciliation, love, relationships
Robin: Compassion:
Sparrow: Be self-assertive; speak up
If you are focusing less on the birds themselves and rather their flight, then look out for the below:
Light coloured birds: Take action immediately
Dark coloured birds: Either there will be a delay or you should wait
Birds flying from the right: Confident action should be taken
Birds flying from the left: Delays, wait, take council during this time. Remain silent for now
Birds flying towards you: Happier times are coming
Birds flying away from you: Use tact and caution; this is a time for planning, not action
Note: The higher a bird is flying, the more favourable the omen
If a bird suddenly changes direction, there may be a sudden change of heart from you or someone close to you, doubts that you will need to address
If a bird hovers directly overhead, beware of hidden criticism or new friends who may not be as trustworthy as they seem.
Birdsong, or a bird uttering a cry as it takes off is a good sign to go head with the matter in question.
A bird that calls as it lands signifies that caution should be taken.
If a bird circles overhead whilst calling (and is not near its nest, as this is usually a protective measure for them), then there may be an unexpected opposition you need to overcome.
Light coloured birds: Take action immediately
Dark coloured birds: Either there will be a delay or you should wait
Birds flying from the right: Confident action should be taken
Birds flying from the left: Delays, wait, take council during this time. Remain silent for now
Birds flying towards you: Happier times are coming
Birds flying away from you: Use tact and caution; this is a time for planning, not action
Note: The higher a bird is flying, the more favourable the omen
If a bird suddenly changes direction, there may be a sudden change of heart from you or someone close to you, doubts that you will need to address
If a bird hovers directly overhead, beware of hidden criticism or new friends who may not be as trustworthy as they seem.
Birdsong, or a bird uttering a cry as it takes off is a good sign to go head with the matter in question.
A bird that calls as it lands signifies that caution should be taken.
If a bird circles overhead whilst calling (and is not near its nest, as this is usually a protective measure for them), then there may be an unexpected opposition you need to overcome.