I am very fortunate to be in a position where my home is genuinely my sanctuary. I live alone, so have free rein over all decorating decisions (which is a first!), it's small, but it's cosy, and provides me with all of the amenities I need. Plus it is right next to a river, which is perfect for the likes of me given my interest in the element of water. I love my little flat, and see it as my temple, a reflection of myself and my spirituality. Or, at least, that's what I aim for - I still have a lot of decorating to do!
Which means I take particularly good care of it - again, a first for me. I've always been a bit messy, always had something better to do than clean, and had no problem letting boxes and general 'stuff' live in piles by doors, drawers, etc. However, finally having a space which is completely my own, and one which I want to reflect the spiritual way in which I try to live my life, has been a game changer. I dust, I clean, and clothes actually go in drawers rather than in a pile at the end of the bed(!). As well as the physical aspect of maintaining this space, I also enjoy cleansing it regularly and 'spiritually' cleaning it. This involves cleansing it, protecting it, and blessing it. There are many different ways you can do this; however, I prefer an approach which focuses on all three aspects (cleansing, protection, and blessing) separately, and tying all of these together. In a pinch, I will just perform a smoke cleanse, but where possible I aim for this three-pronged approach. It's quick, it's effective, and it is incredibly easy! You will need minimal tools for this little ritual. And whilst I have called it a 'ritual', I don't mean ritual in the formal sense; you don't need to cast a circle, call quarters, etc. Just grab the items below, and you're ready to get going! To perform this little ritual, you will need: - Incense - A bowl of salt water - A small bell or similar (I use a Tibetan Singing bowl) First, we will cleanse the space, and here we use the incense. Incense smoke is used in many different cultures and traditions to cleanse a space, or a person, of negative energies. Simply light your incense, and walk clockwise around your space wafting the incense smoke as you go and repeat the following chant: "I cleanse this space of all negativity, in this world and in the astral. I cleanse this space of all negativity, in this word and in the astral. May all negative energies be banished from this place, May only love and light be permitted to enter this space." Once you have completed a full loop of your space, we will move onto protection. For this, you will repeat as we did above, but with the bowl of salt water. Salt is a well known protector, so sprinkle the salt water upon the floor as you again walk in a clockwise direction around your space whilst repeating the following chant: "I protect this space from all negativity, in this world and in the astral. I protect this space from all negativity, in this world and in the astral. May all negative energies be barred from this place. May only love and light be permitted to enter this space." Once this in complete, we will move onto blessing, and this is where we will use our bell or sound bowl. Sound, especially from these sorts of tools, are often used to invite energies in. In this instance, we want to invite positive energies in. So, for the final time, walk clockwise around your space whilst ringing/dinging your chosen tool, whilst repeating the following chant: "May this space be blessed with positive energies. With love, and light, and goodness." Finally, once you have completed this step, say a little prayer or closing chant. I will usually say something to the effect of: "May this space be cleansed, protected, and blessed, in the name of the great Goddess, the mighty God, the Universal Energy, and the element of Water who guides and nourishes me. May it be a sanctuary, a place of spiritual retreat. So mote it be." And that's it! Again, it's quick (depending on how big your space is; I am often glad mine is a one bed rather than a seven bed mansion!), and extremely effective. So give it a go and see how it resonates with you!
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The Weekly Witch:Once I week I talk about something 'witchcraft' related I have done with my week. How we incorporate witchcraft into our every day lives is always a topic that has interested me, so I wanted to start this blog to explore it further! Archives
January 2025
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