In a world filled with energies both seen and unseen, it is essential to safeguard our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. One of the most common methods of doing this is known as shielding, where we manipulate energy to create a 'bubble' or barrier around us to keep negative energies out. These energies can come from a myriad of different sources; the environment, other people talking negatively to us or about us, those who may unconsciously direct negativity our way through jealousy or envious thoughts, and so on. Shielding can be extremely effective; however, in my experience, sometimes even that bubble isn't enough to protect us. So, what works better than one shield? Yep - two shields! A few months ago I had an experience in which I was at work, at my laptop focusing on my own work, with a group of people stood next to me discussing their own work. They clearly weren't having a good time, and the negativity they felt in that moment was palpable. One person can be bad enough, but five people radiating that sort of negativity was difficult to ignore. I took a few moments to focus on my shielding and strengthen my bubble, but it still wasn't enough. So I employed the double-layering technique and was surprised at how much of a difference it made! Double layering my shield is now my go-to technique when I am faced with extreme negativity, and with the single layer, it can be called upon relatively quickly with a bit of practice as and when you need that extra protection. To create your double layered shield, you basically create one layer, but twice. So first let's take a look at creating that single layer, and then how to duplicate that to add our second layer. To start, you need to draw the energy towards you which you will then shape into your shield. I've read plenty of guidance which states you should focus on your own energy and then push that outwards to create your shield. I very much advise against using your own energy for this, especially as a shield needs to be maintained; if you are using your own energy to create and maintain it, you will just deplete your own energy stores which can leave you feeling fatigued, low on energy, and perhaps even experience physical symptoms such as headaches. So I always recommend using external energy. To do this, begin with the classic 'roots and antlers' meditation. Visualise 'roots' stretching out from your feet or your root chakra, down into the earth, and anchoring you to it. Then visualise 'antlers' growing from your head, reaching up into the sky and anchoring you to the skies; as the saying goes, 'as above, so below'. Usually when performing this exercise the instruction is to connect yourself to the earth and the air; however, as a water witch, I prefer to connect with the waters that flow beneath the earths surface with my roots, and the moisture in the air and the clouds with my antlers. However, this is a personal preference, and you should go with whichever gives you the stronger connection. Once you have done this, you will want to focus on your breathing; as you inhale, you want to visualise pulling energy up from your roots, and down through your antlers. As you exhale, you want to direct this energy to form a bubble around you. Again, this can take practice, but it is well worth sticking with it! Inhale the energy, and exhale it into your initial bubble. In fact, once you have mastered this, you can 'feel' the energy constantly flowing up/down and into your shield without your breath. This bubble can take any form you want; you may see it as a coloured light, you may see it flowing smoothly or 'crackling' like electricity. Again, as a water witch, I visualise my shield as waves which move around me. This movement is very important as it will help in maintaining its energy; no matter how you visualise your shield, see this energy constantly moving, spinning around you in a clockwise direction.
This is how we create our first layer. To create your second layer, we are going to do the same, but we want to reach out separate roots/antlers to do so. This can be tricky as now we are managing four streams of energy flow which is again why it may take some practice. However, again, it is well worth the practice! See this energy forming a second shield outside of your first shield, encasing both you and your original layer. Build it in exactly the same way; inhale the energy in, exhale it into your layer, and when you feel happy, focus on seeing the energy flowing through into your shield constantly, without the need for your breath. However, whereas our first layer flows around us in a clockwise direction, we want this shield to flow around us in an anti-clockwise direction. I have personally found that this approach, the layers moving in opposite directions, adds power to the shields and again aids in maintaining the energy even when you are not consciously focused on it. Sit with this for as long as you want, and when you feel ready (or like me, need to actually get back to work and start answering emails), 'cut off' the energy streams and see your shields moving around you, sustained by the kinetic energy of their own movement. And that's it! As I've said a couple of times, it does take practice as it is a bit more complex than creating the standard single layered shield, but I personally find it extremely effective when faced with a large amount of negative energy and one which I would highly recommend anyone who has an interest in energy protection learning.
The Weekly Witch:Once I week I talk about something 'witchcraft' related I have done with my week. How we incorporate witchcraft into our every day lives is always a topic that has interested me, so I wanted to start this blog to explore it further! Archives
January 2025
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