There are many different ways to cleanse and then charge crystals; search for it in Google and you will find a wealth of information. However, one thing that I've noticed is that a lot of people seem to think that 'cleansing' and 'charging' are one and the same, and will recommend a charging method as a cleansing one and vice versa. I view them as two different actions with two separate purposes:
Cleansing: Removing something of negative energies
Charging: Putting energy into something; it may be a specific energy (such as loving energy or healing energy), or it may be just to charge it like you would charge a phone
In addition, I have found that certain crystals respond better to different methods of cleansing and charging. As I've mentioned, there are many different ways you will find recommended, the popular ones being to run your crystal under water, use the light of the moon, bury it in earth, using incense smoke, and using sunlight. But which of these are cleansing actions and which are charging?
Cleansing: Running the crystal under water, incense smoke, placing your crystals in a circle of fire
Charging: Leaving your crystals in the light of the sun or the moon
You will notice that I have left burying your crystal in earth off of the list; this is because earth acts as both a cleansing and a charger due to its powers of growth, bringing forth new life and transformation. If you are looking for an 'all in one' then this is it, although I would recommend separating your intent by first burying the crystal in the ground or in a pot of soil and focus on it being cleansed, and then after a time returning and focus on it charging, in a sense 'programming' it to perform each task.
Cleansing: Removing something of negative energies
Charging: Putting energy into something; it may be a specific energy (such as loving energy or healing energy), or it may be just to charge it like you would charge a phone
In addition, I have found that certain crystals respond better to different methods of cleansing and charging. As I've mentioned, there are many different ways you will find recommended, the popular ones being to run your crystal under water, use the light of the moon, bury it in earth, using incense smoke, and using sunlight. But which of these are cleansing actions and which are charging?
Cleansing: Running the crystal under water, incense smoke, placing your crystals in a circle of fire
Charging: Leaving your crystals in the light of the sun or the moon
You will notice that I have left burying your crystal in earth off of the list; this is because earth acts as both a cleansing and a charger due to its powers of growth, bringing forth new life and transformation. If you are looking for an 'all in one' then this is it, although I would recommend separating your intent by first burying the crystal in the ground or in a pot of soil and focus on it being cleansed, and then after a time returning and focus on it charging, in a sense 'programming' it to perform each task.
Crystals are generally symbolic of the element of earth as this is where the majority of them come from. However, many crystals are also partially attuned to other elements, and it is these which can determine the best way to cleanse and charge a crystal. This is just a prefrence - honestly, any form of cleansing and charging is absolutely fine for any crystal. But if you really want to get specific with it, then think about the elemental association of that crystal. In general, crystals more attuned to the element of earth should be cleansed and charged using the element of earth. Those who are attuned to either air or fire should be cleansed using incense smoke or a ring of fire respectively, and charged using sunlight. Those attuned to the element of water should be cleansed by running the crystal under water and then charged in moonlight (crystals attuned to the element of earth can also be charged by moonlight but earth would be preferable). And of course there are some crystals who buck the trend - those who are associated with air but are more suited to being charged with energy from the moon. It really does depend on the crystal.
Below is a list of the different types of cleansing and charging and which crystals are best suited for each method. This is not an exhaustive list of crystals, but instead based on the crystals I own and my experiences with them having tried cleansing and charging them. Having done a fair bit of research there seems to be no consensus as to which crystals are attuned to which element so again these attributions are down to the energies I feel when working with them.
Cleansing with Water and Charging with Moonlight:
Rose Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Cleansing with Air and Charging with Sunlight:
Green Agate
Clear Quartz
Smokey Quartz
Cleansing with Fire and Charging with Sunlight:
Fire Agate
Clear Quartz
Tigers Eye
Smokey Quartz
Cleansing with Earth and Charging with Earth (or Charging with Moonlight):
Moss Agate
Clear Quartz
Red Jasper
Smokey Quartz
Exceptions to the Above:
Malachite - Earth to cleanse but Sunlight to charge
Amethyst - Air to cleanse but Moonlight to charge
Aquamarine - Air to cleanse but Moonlight to charge
Below is a list of the different types of cleansing and charging and which crystals are best suited for each method. This is not an exhaustive list of crystals, but instead based on the crystals I own and my experiences with them having tried cleansing and charging them. Having done a fair bit of research there seems to be no consensus as to which crystals are attuned to which element so again these attributions are down to the energies I feel when working with them.
Cleansing with Water and Charging with Moonlight:
Rose Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Clear Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Cleansing with Air and Charging with Sunlight:
Green Agate
Clear Quartz
Smokey Quartz
Cleansing with Fire and Charging with Sunlight:
Fire Agate
Clear Quartz
Tigers Eye
Smokey Quartz
Cleansing with Earth and Charging with Earth (or Charging with Moonlight):
Moss Agate
Clear Quartz
Red Jasper
Smokey Quartz
Exceptions to the Above:
Malachite - Earth to cleanse but Sunlight to charge
Amethyst - Air to cleanse but Moonlight to charge
Aquamarine - Air to cleanse but Moonlight to charge