Different cultures have had a habit of naming the full moons, usually as something which is significant to their specific culture (such as ‘harvest moon’). Below are some of the variations of the moon names throughout the year:
January: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Snow Moon, or Ice Moon
February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, or Chaste Moon
March: Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Sugar Moon, Lenten Moon, or Chaste Moon
April: Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Hare Moon, Egg Moon, or Paschal Moon
May: Flower Moon, Corn Planting Moon, or Milk Moon
June: Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon, Mead Moon, or Rose Moon
July: Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon, or Hay Moon
August: Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Fruit Moon, or Grain Moon
September: Corn Moon, Full Corn Moon or Barley Moon
October: Hunters Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon (not to be confused with the ‘Blood Moon’ phenomenon)
November: Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon, Oak Moon, Mourning Moon (if the last full moon before the winter solstice)
December: Cold Moon or Wolf Moon
January: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Snow Moon, or Ice Moon
February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, or Chaste Moon
March: Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Sugar Moon, Lenten Moon, or Chaste Moon
April: Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Hare Moon, Egg Moon, or Paschal Moon
May: Flower Moon, Corn Planting Moon, or Milk Moon
June: Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon, Mead Moon, or Rose Moon
July: Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon, or Hay Moon
August: Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Fruit Moon, or Grain Moon
September: Corn Moon, Full Corn Moon or Barley Moon
October: Hunters Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon (not to be confused with the ‘Blood Moon’ phenomenon)
November: Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon, Oak Moon, Mourning Moon (if the last full moon before the winter solstice)
December: Cold Moon or Wolf Moon