This meditation is taken from the book 'Sea Magic' by Sandra Kynes. In this book, she refers to sea nimal guides as 'fetches'; this is not a term I have ever heard used before, and doesn't seem to be one specifically from the sea witchcraft community, so I will continue to refer to them as animal guides. The meditation is written from her version by myself (so I haven't simply copied the meditation word-for-word).
If you prefer to listen to a guided meditation, then definitely check out the version in Sandra Kynes book; she writes it as it were intended to be recorded so you can make your own audio (or ask someone to do it for you).
If you prefer to listen to a guided meditation, then definitely check out the version in Sandra Kynes book; she writes it as it were intended to be recorded so you can make your own audio (or ask someone to do it for you).
The Meditation:
For this meditation, I put some generic 'sounds of the ocean' music on in the background to aid with the visualisation aspect (you will see what I mean in a minute). Relax into meditation however you like; you may wish to burn some incense (you can get incense that is sea themed), or hold some blue crystals, or simply sit and relax.
When you are ready, see yourself stood on a beach, the sea in front of you, the sand surrounding you. Breathe in the sea air, feel the sand between your toes, and watch the waves crashing against the shore. As I tend to work a fair bit with the sea Goddess Cliodhna, I use this as an opportunity to connect with her before I continue. Stand here, and drink in the scene before you, connecting with the energies of the sea.
When you feel ready, take a look around you; to your right, on the sand just a short distance away from your feet you a shell. You walk over to it, and as you do, you notice another a short distance from it, and then another. There is a trail of them, leading you down the beach.
Follow the trail as it leads you along the shore. As you walk, you see a cave in the distance - the trail is leading you towards the cave. Make your way towards the entrance, and when you get there, stop for just a moment. You can feel that there is something magickal about this cave; it feels almost like a barrier between the real world and the world of the astal, and you know as you pass through, you will find yourself in a world that isn't quite your own.
Walk into, and through, the cave. You can see the water pooling on the floor, and hear the crashing of the waves from the beach in the background. As you walk through the cave, you can see a purple glow coming from the back. You walk towards it.
The glow is coming from a crack in the wall of the back of the cave. It is wide enough to squeeze yourself through, as you wonder what is on the other side?
You make your way through and find yourself in a cavern. A slope leads down into a large pool of water, and in the middle of the pool stands a large chair. In my meditation, it almost looks like a throne covered top to bottom with different types of sea shell.
Wade through the pool, to the chair, and take a seat. It is here you will meet your animal guide. Ask them to reveal themselves. You should start to feel the presence of 'something else' in the cavern with you. Ask them to come forward, and be patient, as they may not appear right away. Just wait, and they should reveal themselves to you. If they do, welcome them; introduce yourself, and ask them if you may work with them. Spend some time just sitting with them; they may talk to you, they may give you a messages, or you may just sit in silence. The first time I met my octopus, they rose from the water and swam over to the chair; they climbed up it, but just sat there, staring at me, allowing me to connect with its energy.
When you feel ready, thank your sea guide and offer them a gift, such as a couple of strands of your hair, something from your pocket, etc., (this can later be left on your altar or outside as an offering).
Say goodbye to your guide and make your way back across the pool, through the crack in the cave wall, and back into the main chamber of the cave. Retrace your steps, and as you do so, mentally prepare yourself to leave this place and enter back into the 'real world'. Once you are mentally prepared, walk out of the cave and out onto the beach. Again, retrace your steps across the beach, preparing yourself to wake up, until next time.
For this meditation, I put some generic 'sounds of the ocean' music on in the background to aid with the visualisation aspect (you will see what I mean in a minute). Relax into meditation however you like; you may wish to burn some incense (you can get incense that is sea themed), or hold some blue crystals, or simply sit and relax.
When you are ready, see yourself stood on a beach, the sea in front of you, the sand surrounding you. Breathe in the sea air, feel the sand between your toes, and watch the waves crashing against the shore. As I tend to work a fair bit with the sea Goddess Cliodhna, I use this as an opportunity to connect with her before I continue. Stand here, and drink in the scene before you, connecting with the energies of the sea.
When you feel ready, take a look around you; to your right, on the sand just a short distance away from your feet you a shell. You walk over to it, and as you do, you notice another a short distance from it, and then another. There is a trail of them, leading you down the beach.
Follow the trail as it leads you along the shore. As you walk, you see a cave in the distance - the trail is leading you towards the cave. Make your way towards the entrance, and when you get there, stop for just a moment. You can feel that there is something magickal about this cave; it feels almost like a barrier between the real world and the world of the astal, and you know as you pass through, you will find yourself in a world that isn't quite your own.
Walk into, and through, the cave. You can see the water pooling on the floor, and hear the crashing of the waves from the beach in the background. As you walk through the cave, you can see a purple glow coming from the back. You walk towards it.
The glow is coming from a crack in the wall of the back of the cave. It is wide enough to squeeze yourself through, as you wonder what is on the other side?
You make your way through and find yourself in a cavern. A slope leads down into a large pool of water, and in the middle of the pool stands a large chair. In my meditation, it almost looks like a throne covered top to bottom with different types of sea shell.
Wade through the pool, to the chair, and take a seat. It is here you will meet your animal guide. Ask them to reveal themselves. You should start to feel the presence of 'something else' in the cavern with you. Ask them to come forward, and be patient, as they may not appear right away. Just wait, and they should reveal themselves to you. If they do, welcome them; introduce yourself, and ask them if you may work with them. Spend some time just sitting with them; they may talk to you, they may give you a messages, or you may just sit in silence. The first time I met my octopus, they rose from the water and swam over to the chair; they climbed up it, but just sat there, staring at me, allowing me to connect with its energy.
When you feel ready, thank your sea guide and offer them a gift, such as a couple of strands of your hair, something from your pocket, etc., (this can later be left on your altar or outside as an offering).
Say goodbye to your guide and make your way back across the pool, through the crack in the cave wall, and back into the main chamber of the cave. Retrace your steps, and as you do so, mentally prepare yourself to leave this place and enter back into the 'real world'. Once you are mentally prepared, walk out of the cave and out onto the beach. Again, retrace your steps across the beach, preparing yourself to wake up, until next time.
Working With Your Sea Guide:
I often use this meditation to meet and communicate with my sea guide, by simply repeating it. I have found that when my guide has specific message for me, they will be quite 'vocal' about it; other times we will just sit in silence. You can also use tarot, scrying, pendulums, or other divination methods to communicate with your sea guide if you struggle with meditation. Remember, your sea guide is their to aid you, to bring you knowledge and assist you in your path, and regular communication with your guide can really help you.
I often use this meditation to meet and communicate with my sea guide, by simply repeating it. I have found that when my guide has specific message for me, they will be quite 'vocal' about it; other times we will just sit in silence. You can also use tarot, scrying, pendulums, or other divination methods to communicate with your sea guide if you struggle with meditation. Remember, your sea guide is their to aid you, to bring you knowledge and assist you in your path, and regular communication with your guide can really help you.