Whilst there are several different runic alphabets, the one most commonly referred to when we talk runes is from the Nordic region. These were an alphabet created by the Nordic peoples, with the earliest example of them being used found in modern-day Germany, dating to 50CE, although it is debated whether this is actually runic or Roman.
As with other ancient systems of pictorial alphabets, such as the Celtic Ogham, these symbol were more than just an alphabet; each rune represented a cosmological power, and using it assisted in invoking that power to you.
These runic alphabets are known as 'futharks', after the first six runes of the alphabet. There are three main systems of futhark, with the one which is most commonly used for divination being the Elder Futhark. It contains twenty-four characters, and was the first fully formed runic alphabet. Then there is the Younger Futhark, which has sixteen characters and eventually replaced the Elder Futhark, and then finally the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, which altered and added to the Elder Futharks in England.
Each symbol was originally carved into stone, bone, metal or wood, although for divination purposes you will often find many crystal sets. With stones or crystals, and a decent pen or paint that won't rub away, it is easy enough to make your own set if you would prefer that to making one.
To read the runes, place them in a bag, think on your question, and then pull out one, three, five, or nine runes depending on the complexity of the question and the type of question you are asking. Each layout has its own purpose and own correspondences, in a very similar way to the different tarot spreads you can find.
As with other ancient systems of pictorial alphabets, such as the Celtic Ogham, these symbol were more than just an alphabet; each rune represented a cosmological power, and using it assisted in invoking that power to you.
These runic alphabets are known as 'futharks', after the first six runes of the alphabet. There are three main systems of futhark, with the one which is most commonly used for divination being the Elder Futhark. It contains twenty-four characters, and was the first fully formed runic alphabet. Then there is the Younger Futhark, which has sixteen characters and eventually replaced the Elder Futhark, and then finally the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, which altered and added to the Elder Futharks in England.
Each symbol was originally carved into stone, bone, metal or wood, although for divination purposes you will often find many crystal sets. With stones or crystals, and a decent pen or paint that won't rub away, it is easy enough to make your own set if you would prefer that to making one.
To read the runes, place them in a bag, think on your question, and then pull out one, three, five, or nine runes depending on the complexity of the question and the type of question you are asking. Each layout has its own purpose and own correspondences, in a very similar way to the different tarot spreads you can find.
One Rune: Provides you with a quick answer to your question
Three Runes: Select your runes from your bag, and lay them right to left (so the order is 3-2-1). Rune one represents an overview of the situation, rune two represents the challenge, and rune three represents the course of action which could be taken
Five Runes: Select your runes from your bag and place them down; the first rune should go in the middle, the second to the left of it, the third above the middle one, the fourth beneath the middle one, and the fifth to the right of the middle one.
Again, these are read right to left, so rune two represents your past, rune one represents the present, and rune five represents the future. The rune beneath the middle rune represents the problem or issue that needs to be accpeted, whilst the rune above the middle rune shows you what could help you resolve your problem or issue.
Nine Runes: To read with nine runes, we do it slightly differently than the method above, where you place the runes in specific locations. This time, pick nine runes from your bag in one handful, and cast (scatter) them in front of you. The runes near the centre of the surface you have cast them onto should be seen as the ones most relevant to the situation you are performing the reading about, whilst those closer to the outside are of lesser influence. Runes closer to each other may complement each other, whereas those on opposite sides of the surface you are reading on may be opposing forces.
First pay attention to the runes which have landed face up, then focus on the ones that fell face-down. Those that fell face-down are said to represent outside or future influences, or point towards new opportunities. I find it helps to read them as a 'story' rather than considering each on its own and then trying to piece it together. Practice makes perfect with this method, so trust your intuition.
Three Runes: Select your runes from your bag, and lay them right to left (so the order is 3-2-1). Rune one represents an overview of the situation, rune two represents the challenge, and rune three represents the course of action which could be taken
Five Runes: Select your runes from your bag and place them down; the first rune should go in the middle, the second to the left of it, the third above the middle one, the fourth beneath the middle one, and the fifth to the right of the middle one.
Again, these are read right to left, so rune two represents your past, rune one represents the present, and rune five represents the future. The rune beneath the middle rune represents the problem or issue that needs to be accpeted, whilst the rune above the middle rune shows you what could help you resolve your problem or issue.
Nine Runes: To read with nine runes, we do it slightly differently than the method above, where you place the runes in specific locations. This time, pick nine runes from your bag in one handful, and cast (scatter) them in front of you. The runes near the centre of the surface you have cast them onto should be seen as the ones most relevant to the situation you are performing the reading about, whilst those closer to the outside are of lesser influence. Runes closer to each other may complement each other, whereas those on opposite sides of the surface you are reading on may be opposing forces.
First pay attention to the runes which have landed face up, then focus on the ones that fell face-down. Those that fell face-down are said to represent outside or future influences, or point towards new opportunities. I find it helps to read them as a 'story' rather than considering each on its own and then trying to piece it together. Practice makes perfect with this method, so trust your intuition.
The Runes:
1. FEHU: Represents livestock, material wealth, abundance, success, status, security, and fertility.
FEHU (Reversed): Loss of personal property, wealth, or something that you have put a great deal of effort into keeping. It could also mean delays, but it's meaning is basically start budgeting and reserving your resources
2. URUZ: Represents the bull, strength, endurance and tenacity, freedom, and your untamed potential
URUZ (Reversed): Your will power is weak, or you health or vitality, and you aren't taking advantage of the moment. Bad luck.
3. THURISAZ: Represents a thorn, defense, conflict, reaction, catharsis, and regeneration
THURISAZ (Reveresed): This is not the time for making hasty decisions; slow down and consider the pro's and con's of the situation before you take action
4. ANSUZ: Represents an Estuary. It is associated with communicaiton, understanding, and inspiration
ANSUZ (Reversed): Don't believe everything you hear; something, or someone, is being deceitful, or maybe a situation is just too good to be true? You are refusing to learn life's lessons, so tread carefully
5. RAIDHO: Represents a wagon. It is associated with travel, decisions, and spontaneity
RAIDHO (Reversed): Now is a bad time to travel, so try and avoid it
6. KENNAZ: Represents a torch. Is associated with creativity, inspiration, vision, vitality and making improvements
KENNAZ (Reveresed): An ending of sorts, or material limitations and loss
7. GEBO: Represents a gift. It is associated with generosity, relationships, balance, and exchanges
GEBO (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
8. WUNJO: Represents joy. It is associated with the finer things in life - success, prosperity, reward, pleasure, comfort, and harmony
WUNJO (Reversed): Problems in your life and dissatisfaction. Take a look at the other runes it is included in a reading with to gain a better understanding of where this dissatisfaction may lay
9. HAGALAZ: Represents hail. It is associated with wrath, overcoming obstacles, trials and tribulations, and nature
HAGALAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
10. NUATHIS: Represents need. It is associated with conflict, endurance, self-reliance, willpower, and restriction
NAUTHIS (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
11. ISA: Represents ice. It is associated with challenges, introspection, biding your time, and calrity
ISA (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
12. JERA: Represents the year. It is associated with change, completion, cycles, the harvest, and the rewards of your hard work
JERA (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
13. EIHWAZ: Represents the yew tree. It is associated with balance, enlightenment, and death
EIHWAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
14. PERTHRO: Represents a dice cup. It is associated with fate, mysetery, destiny, chance, and secrets
PERTHRO (Reversed): Do not expect too much, as things will not turn out the way you had hoped.
15. ALGIZ: Represents an Elk. It is associated with protection, defence, guardianship, and instinct
ALGIZ (Reversed): You are vulnerable right now, so be on your guard. There may be something you should avoid
16. SOWILO: Represents the sun. It is associated with honour, victory, health, cleansing, and completeness
SOWILO (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
17. TIWAZ: Represents the God Tyr. It is associated with justice, leadership, logic, war, and masculinity
TIWAZ (Reversed): Failure in competition, and infidelity (not just limited to romantic relationships)
18. BERKANA: Represents the birth tree. It is associated with fertility, healing, regeneration, birth, and femininity
BERKANA (Reversed): Family trouble or domestic issues
19. EHWAZ: Represents a horse. It symbolises movement, progress, trust, change, and transportation
EHWAZ (Reversed): You are feeling restless, or confined.
20. MANNAZ: Represents humanity. It is associated with friendship, community, cooperation, help, and individuality
MANNAZ (Reversed): You are feeling isolated and lonely; don't expect any help now
21. LAGUZ: Represents water. It is associated with emotions, dreams, intuition, hopes and fears, and renewal
LAGUZ (Reversed): A period of confusion, being stuck in a rut, or lacking creativity
22. INGUZ: Represents a seed. It symbolises the hearth and home, change, growth, and goals
INGUZ (Reversed): The symbol has no reverse
23. OTHALA: Represents inhertiance. It symbolises possesstions, experience, value, ancestry, and heritage
OTHALA (Reversed): Delay and frustration, material loss.
24. DAGAZ: Represents the dawn. It is associated with rebirth, awakening, completion, hope, certainty, and light
DAGAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
1. FEHU: Represents livestock, material wealth, abundance, success, status, security, and fertility.
FEHU (Reversed): Loss of personal property, wealth, or something that you have put a great deal of effort into keeping. It could also mean delays, but it's meaning is basically start budgeting and reserving your resources
2. URUZ: Represents the bull, strength, endurance and tenacity, freedom, and your untamed potential
URUZ (Reversed): Your will power is weak, or you health or vitality, and you aren't taking advantage of the moment. Bad luck.
3. THURISAZ: Represents a thorn, defense, conflict, reaction, catharsis, and regeneration
THURISAZ (Reveresed): This is not the time for making hasty decisions; slow down and consider the pro's and con's of the situation before you take action
4. ANSUZ: Represents an Estuary. It is associated with communicaiton, understanding, and inspiration
ANSUZ (Reversed): Don't believe everything you hear; something, or someone, is being deceitful, or maybe a situation is just too good to be true? You are refusing to learn life's lessons, so tread carefully
5. RAIDHO: Represents a wagon. It is associated with travel, decisions, and spontaneity
RAIDHO (Reversed): Now is a bad time to travel, so try and avoid it
6. KENNAZ: Represents a torch. Is associated with creativity, inspiration, vision, vitality and making improvements
KENNAZ (Reveresed): An ending of sorts, or material limitations and loss
7. GEBO: Represents a gift. It is associated with generosity, relationships, balance, and exchanges
GEBO (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
8. WUNJO: Represents joy. It is associated with the finer things in life - success, prosperity, reward, pleasure, comfort, and harmony
WUNJO (Reversed): Problems in your life and dissatisfaction. Take a look at the other runes it is included in a reading with to gain a better understanding of where this dissatisfaction may lay
9. HAGALAZ: Represents hail. It is associated with wrath, overcoming obstacles, trials and tribulations, and nature
HAGALAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
10. NUATHIS: Represents need. It is associated with conflict, endurance, self-reliance, willpower, and restriction
NAUTHIS (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
11. ISA: Represents ice. It is associated with challenges, introspection, biding your time, and calrity
ISA (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
12. JERA: Represents the year. It is associated with change, completion, cycles, the harvest, and the rewards of your hard work
JERA (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
13. EIHWAZ: Represents the yew tree. It is associated with balance, enlightenment, and death
EIHWAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
14. PERTHRO: Represents a dice cup. It is associated with fate, mysetery, destiny, chance, and secrets
PERTHRO (Reversed): Do not expect too much, as things will not turn out the way you had hoped.
15. ALGIZ: Represents an Elk. It is associated with protection, defence, guardianship, and instinct
ALGIZ (Reversed): You are vulnerable right now, so be on your guard. There may be something you should avoid
16. SOWILO: Represents the sun. It is associated with honour, victory, health, cleansing, and completeness
SOWILO (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse
17. TIWAZ: Represents the God Tyr. It is associated with justice, leadership, logic, war, and masculinity
TIWAZ (Reversed): Failure in competition, and infidelity (not just limited to romantic relationships)
18. BERKANA: Represents the birth tree. It is associated with fertility, healing, regeneration, birth, and femininity
BERKANA (Reversed): Family trouble or domestic issues
19. EHWAZ: Represents a horse. It symbolises movement, progress, trust, change, and transportation
EHWAZ (Reversed): You are feeling restless, or confined.
20. MANNAZ: Represents humanity. It is associated with friendship, community, cooperation, help, and individuality
MANNAZ (Reversed): You are feeling isolated and lonely; don't expect any help now
21. LAGUZ: Represents water. It is associated with emotions, dreams, intuition, hopes and fears, and renewal
LAGUZ (Reversed): A period of confusion, being stuck in a rut, or lacking creativity
22. INGUZ: Represents a seed. It symbolises the hearth and home, change, growth, and goals
INGUZ (Reversed): The symbol has no reverse
23. OTHALA: Represents inhertiance. It symbolises possesstions, experience, value, ancestry, and heritage
OTHALA (Reversed): Delay and frustration, material loss.
24. DAGAZ: Represents the dawn. It is associated with rebirth, awakening, completion, hope, certainty, and light
DAGAZ (Reversed): This symbol has no reverse