What Is The Sacral Chakra?
The root chakra is the second chakra we focus out of the seven main chakras. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhisthana. It's colour is orange, and is represented by the symbol below.
Don't worry if when you are meditating with it you can't visualise the symbol itself; the colour orange will be enough.
The root chakra is the second chakra we focus out of the seven main chakras. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhisthana. It's colour is orange, and is represented by the symbol below.
Don't worry if when you are meditating with it you can't visualise the symbol itself; the colour orange will be enough.
The Sacral Chakras Associations:
The sacral chakra is located above our root chakra, and just below the belly button. It is the chakra of emotion, feeling in a physical sense (sensation), and expression of sexual desire.
The sacral chakra governs how we relate, to others and to the world. The sacral chakra can help us form a sense of our own identity in relation to others and the world around us, and encourages the expansion of self. It helps us to see ‘our place’ in the world, and feel comfortable in it. The word ‘Svadhisthana’ itself means ‘your own place’.
It is sometimes called the foundation of our well-being. It encourages harmonious and pleasant interactions with that around us, and allows us to manage the flow of our emotions in a healthy manner.
The sacral chakra is also associated with fantasy and creativity, and is the seat of imagination and expression. The motivation to pursue our hobbies comes from the sacral chakra, whether those hobbies are physical, such as running or climbing, or more creative such as scrapbooking or painting.
If This Chakra Is Blocked:
When this chakra becomes blocked, we can experience unhealthy codependency. Unlike the root chakra where this codependency comes from feeling disconnected with ourselves, this blockage can make us feel disconnected with others. This can lead us to doing whatever we can to please others around us, as if that is the only way to establish a connection with others.
We may feel emotionally out of control, ruled by our emotions to an extreme. Or, we could experience the other end of the scale and find ourselves completely uninterested and numb to the world, and the people, around us.
Another sign that this chakra is blocked is overindulging in fantasies or secual obsessions, and looking for ways to ‘escape’ the world around us (this includes addiction to substances that give us that temporary release). Again, however, we may find the opposite; an absolute lack of creativity and imagination.
Stimulating and Opening the Sacral Chakra:
Any orange crystals are suitable for helping to cleanse and open this chakra. Good crystals to try include:
Oils and scents you could use include:
There are many different ways to help open and stimulate the sacral chakra. Several are included below. You may want to combine some of them; for example, meditating with a mudra and chanting, or using a crystal and a chant.
“I love all dimensions of myself. I delight in weaving the creative tapestry that is my life” (note: I did not create that one, but I am unsure as to who to give credit to for it)
“I am the creator of my own reality, and control my own destiny”
“I am connected to the ebb and flow of all life, and find joy as it flows through me”
“I find peace and love within myself, sure of my place within this world”
“I am full of creative potential, and embrace my inner child”
Each chakra also has a sound associated with it. You can help to open the chakras by chanting their sound out loud, focusing on the vibrations of the sound raising the chakra’s energy levels. The sound for the sacral chakra is ‘VAM’. You will notice as we go through the chakras that they all have very similar sounds ‘LAM’, ‘VAM’, YAM’, so try to put some emphasis on the ‘V’ as you sound it out.
How will I know if my chakra is blocked?
If your chakra is blocked, you may experience any of the feelings or sensations listed above. Additionally, when working to activate your chakra it may just feel sluggish and slow; it may be a darker orange than usual, or you may see black ‘spots’ in the energy.
How do I cleanse my chakra?
Stimulating your chakra as listed above will help to cleanse them as you strengthen them. You can also focus specifically on cleansing it as you stimulate it. To do this, you want to imagine any energy you are directing to that energy - whether that is using crystals, oils, or visualising the energy from the earth or your own body travelling to that area - as pure, white, cleansing energy. When it reaches your chakra see it combining with your chakras energy, invigorating it and raising its vibration. See it glowing brighter, wiping out all of the black spots and strengthening your whole chakra.
Closing Your Chakra:
It is important to make sure that you close your chakra after working with it. If you leave it open, it will be more susceptible to negative energies. Closing it doesn’t mean it will stop working, you are just protecting it.
I find that the easiest way to close my chakras is to imagine zipping them up, like you would purse or a backpack. See a zip running up the centre of the chakra, the zips itself at the bottom, then mentally zip it up. See the chakra closing, but know that beneath this protective covering, the chakra is still active and working.
The sacral chakra is located above our root chakra, and just below the belly button. It is the chakra of emotion, feeling in a physical sense (sensation), and expression of sexual desire.
The sacral chakra governs how we relate, to others and to the world. The sacral chakra can help us form a sense of our own identity in relation to others and the world around us, and encourages the expansion of self. It helps us to see ‘our place’ in the world, and feel comfortable in it. The word ‘Svadhisthana’ itself means ‘your own place’.
It is sometimes called the foundation of our well-being. It encourages harmonious and pleasant interactions with that around us, and allows us to manage the flow of our emotions in a healthy manner.
The sacral chakra is also associated with fantasy and creativity, and is the seat of imagination and expression. The motivation to pursue our hobbies comes from the sacral chakra, whether those hobbies are physical, such as running or climbing, or more creative such as scrapbooking or painting.
If This Chakra Is Blocked:
When this chakra becomes blocked, we can experience unhealthy codependency. Unlike the root chakra where this codependency comes from feeling disconnected with ourselves, this blockage can make us feel disconnected with others. This can lead us to doing whatever we can to please others around us, as if that is the only way to establish a connection with others.
We may feel emotionally out of control, ruled by our emotions to an extreme. Or, we could experience the other end of the scale and find ourselves completely uninterested and numb to the world, and the people, around us.
Another sign that this chakra is blocked is overindulging in fantasies or secual obsessions, and looking for ways to ‘escape’ the world around us (this includes addiction to substances that give us that temporary release). Again, however, we may find the opposite; an absolute lack of creativity and imagination.
Stimulating and Opening the Sacral Chakra:
Any orange crystals are suitable for helping to cleanse and open this chakra. Good crystals to try include:
- Orange Carnelian
- Sun Stone
- Orange Calcite
- Amber
- Goldstone
Oils and scents you could use include:
- Neroli Oil
- Cardamom
- Ylang Ylang
- Sandalwood
- Sweet Orange
There are many different ways to help open and stimulate the sacral chakra. Several are included below. You may want to combine some of them; for example, meditating with a mudra and chanting, or using a crystal and a chant.
- Lying down and placing one of the above crystals on your sacral chakra area, and visualising the energy of the crystal cleansing and strengthening your chakra.
- Anointing the sacral chakra area with one of the above oils and visualising it cleansing and strengthening your chakra (remember; always dilute oils, never apply them neat).
- As the sacral chakra is associated with movement, physical exercise can also help; something like yoga, pilates, or any other practice which really focuses on ‘being in’ your body can have a benefit if you focus on opening this chakra whilst you are performing these exercises.
- Chant mantras design to help stimulate and strengthen your root chakra. Examples of these are:
“I love all dimensions of myself. I delight in weaving the creative tapestry that is my life” (note: I did not create that one, but I am unsure as to who to give credit to for it)
“I am the creator of my own reality, and control my own destiny”
“I am connected to the ebb and flow of all life, and find joy as it flows through me”
“I find peace and love within myself, sure of my place within this world”
“I am full of creative potential, and embrace my inner child”
- Visualise your chakra as an orange, glowing ball of light, and ‘feed’ that ball energy. You can do this by redirecting energy from other parts of your body into the sacral chakra. There are many different flows through the body, all moving in different directions (which we will cover in more detail later on), but for now focus on this energy flowing round your body and into this chakra.
- Get creative! As this is a chakra associated with fantasy and creative expression, indulge in a day dream, or paint a picture.
Each chakra also has a sound associated with it. You can help to open the chakras by chanting their sound out loud, focusing on the vibrations of the sound raising the chakra’s energy levels. The sound for the sacral chakra is ‘VAM’. You will notice as we go through the chakras that they all have very similar sounds ‘LAM’, ‘VAM’, YAM’, so try to put some emphasis on the ‘V’ as you sound it out.
How will I know if my chakra is blocked?
If your chakra is blocked, you may experience any of the feelings or sensations listed above. Additionally, when working to activate your chakra it may just feel sluggish and slow; it may be a darker orange than usual, or you may see black ‘spots’ in the energy.
How do I cleanse my chakra?
Stimulating your chakra as listed above will help to cleanse them as you strengthen them. You can also focus specifically on cleansing it as you stimulate it. To do this, you want to imagine any energy you are directing to that energy - whether that is using crystals, oils, or visualising the energy from the earth or your own body travelling to that area - as pure, white, cleansing energy. When it reaches your chakra see it combining with your chakras energy, invigorating it and raising its vibration. See it glowing brighter, wiping out all of the black spots and strengthening your whole chakra.
Closing Your Chakra:
It is important to make sure that you close your chakra after working with it. If you leave it open, it will be more susceptible to negative energies. Closing it doesn’t mean it will stop working, you are just protecting it.
I find that the easiest way to close my chakras is to imagine zipping them up, like you would purse or a backpack. See a zip running up the centre of the chakra, the zips itself at the bottom, then mentally zip it up. See the chakra closing, but know that beneath this protective covering, the chakra is still active and working.