21/2/2021 8 Comments Egg Cleansing And InterpretationI've seen egg cleanses bounding around for a while, but it is something I have always been a bit skeptical of. I'm not sure why; but it's never piqued my interest. However, I believe in not knocking something before you've tried it, so I thought I would give it a go.
The first thing I will admit is that I don't know anything about the history of egg cleanses, and I was really surprised to learn that it has a rich history and has been utilised in many different cultures. There seem to be two parts to an egg cleanse. Step one is the actual cleanse, and step two (which is optional) is interpreting the cleanse by breaking the egg into water. So, how does it work? I sat at my altar and lit some incense, and then used the incense spoke to cleanse the egg first off. Next I grounded myself and prepared myself to open myself up to receive the cleansing. Next I took the egg, and starting at my head, slowly moved it down my body, pausing at the main chakra points. I did this a couple of times; then repeated it down each side of my body, down my arms and legs, and paying particular attention to my hands and feet. As these are key contact areas, they can be most prone to pick up negative energy. As I did this, I focused on the egg pulling out negative energies, whether these are mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. That's pretty much it! Very simple. But was it effective? Yes, and a lot more so than I thought it would be! I felt relaxed, I felt as if I had released 'something'. When I thought back on interactions or situations which had stressed me out throughout the past few days, I didn't feel any of that stress again - it was like the emotion had been removed and I could think about it objectively. Interestingly, I developed a tension headache very soon after, and felt very sleepy. I believe this was my body telling me that I needed to rest and recuperate (so an early night for me). Aside from that, I honestly felt great afterwards, and this carried on well into the next day. So that's part one, and I can honestly say that I was surprised at how effective it was. I wish I had tried this before, and can see it becoming a very useful practice. Part two was the interpretation. This was the part I've always been a bit sceptical of, so I was interested to see what the result would be considering I was so impressed by the effect of the cleanse itself. For this next part, you will need a bowl or glass of water. You simply crack the egg into the water, and interpret how it falls and the patterns it makes in the water. When I cracked the yolk, the egg immediately sunk to the bottom - no floating, just straight to the bottom. Apparently this is a sign that all negativity has been removed. If even part of the egg floats then it shows that there are still issues or problems that have not yet been dealt with, and another cleanse should be performed. The egg yolk also looked perfectly 'normal'; no discolouring or strange patterns in it, which is again a sign that everything is fine. It is said that if the yolk is grey, cloudy, or even black then someone is wishing negativity onto you. Similarly, if you see an eye in the yolk then someone is sending you the evil eye. Small bubbles are said to be a sign that negativity has been removed. Bubbles around the yolk (which I had quite a few of) signify that you have guides watching over you, so that's positive. There was one large 'balloon', which apparently represents a situation you are stuck in and can't escape. This could be due to external circumstances, or even of your own making (such as feelings of guilt for your previous actions). To be honest, I couldn't pinpoint exactly what this balloon was referring to. We are currently in lockdown so I am physically confined to my house and the park for walks. I work a 9-5, Mon-Fri (and let's be honest, not having to work at all would be great). There are other things I can think of, but nothing which bothers me or feels like an issue. There was also a particularly 'webby' bit. Webs are again supposed to represent that there is something entangling you, or that people are jealous of you and want you to fail in something. To be honest, I think this is a bit of a stretch - I don't particularly do anything that anyone would be jealous enough of to try and sabotage me or send negative energy my way! Looking through the side of the bowl, I could see what are referred to as 'spikes, needles, and threads', from the bottom of the bowl to the top (or top to the bottom). This can represent again negative energy being pulled from the aura, or anger that you have not let go of, people casting 'black magick' on you, or gossip. As above, I really don't feel that this applies to me at all, except maybe that negative energy was removed. For someone who kind of just keeps their head down, it all feels a bit melodramatic. Other elements to look for when you are interpreting your egg include the water; clear water (which mine was) represents nothing wrong and no further cleanses needed. Cloudy water represents a 'tear' in your aura through which you are losing energy, and can even be a sign of nightmares, phobias and fear, or PTSD. If you find blood in the egg, or red or black spots, this is a sign that someone is hexing you and health issues. Halo's of egg white surrounding the yolk is s signal that you make decisions too rashly and should take time to think before you act. Seeing flowers in the egg white means that good times are on the way, and seeing a shape of a person represents an enemy. If the egg break before you get to this stage, then you need to redo the cleanse. To be honest, I'm not too convinced around the interpretation. Maybe it is something you can learn to interpret with more accuracy if you practice. But as I said, it all feels a bit melodramatic. I'm also quite practical; it is hard to imagine that at least some of these shapes wouldn't appear in the water when adding a substance such as an uncooked egg to it. So to summarise; egg cleanse, surprisingly effective and would definitely recommend it. The interpretation side of things? I'm not overly convinced, but maybe time will tell.
17/8/2022 03:40:46 pm
Thanks i seen almost the same as u, stramge how i come to ur blog n see the same egg i just did on myself lol i hope its a good thing n well pleasesure leaving this note n write back to me anytime n i had a very pretty white flower in mine also. Thanks for that
11/12/2022 08:35:00 am
The white part of the egg is wrapped over the yolk like it's a blanket then has a medium bubble on the side, what does this mean?
Erma Gloria Salinas
15/9/2024 11:03:54 pm
I cleansed myself with an egg. The water is clear, egg is covered with a crystal blanket and, a bubble floating in water
amira neshayy
17/11/2024 10:51:58 pm
When I looked at the yolk , the whites were surrounding the yolk , with 4 main straight points coming out the whites , above every point was a small bubble , can ANYONE help me interpret??
26/11/2024 02:26:54 pm
first glance at the picture, it seems to me that your water wasn't hot enough, that is why you were getting those bits and shapes that lead to an inaccurate reading
6/2/2025 10:06:33 am
I got two yolks ???
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